This module deploys all Maguindanao headword-line templates.
local export = {}
local pos_functions = {}
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("mdh")
local PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
local script = require("Module:scripts").getByCode("Latn")
local script = require("Module:scripts").getByCode("Arab")
function export.show(frame)
local tracking_categories = {}
local args = frame:getParent().args
local poscat = frame.args[1] or error("Part of speech has not been specified. Please pass parameter 1 to the module invocation.")
local head = {} -- supports multiple headword
if args["head"] or args[1] then table.insert(head, args["head"] or args[1]) end
if args["head2"] or args[2] then table.insert(head, args["head2"] or args[2]) end
if args["head3"] or args[3] then table.insert(head, args["head3"] or args[3]) end
local data = {lang = lang, sc = script, pos_category = poscat, categories = {}, heads = head, translits = {"-"}, inflections = {}}
local jawi = {label = "ခ္ဍံက်လိက်ဂျဝဳ"}
local sc_Arab = require("Module:scripts").getByCode("Arab")
if args["j"] then table.insert(jawi, { term = args["j"], sc = sc_Arab }) end
if args["j2"] then table.insert(jawi, { term = args["j2"], sc = sc_Arab }) end
if args["j3"] then table.insert(jawi, { term = args["j3"], sc = sc_Arab }) end
if #jawi > 0 then table.insert(data.inflections, jawi) end
local latin = {label = "ခ္ဍံက်လိက်လပ်တေန်"}
local sc_Latn = require("Module:scripts").getByCode("Latn")
if args["r"] then table.insert(latin, {term = args["r"], sc = sc_Latn}) end
if args["r2"] then table.insert(latin, {term = args["r2"], sc = sc_Latn}) end
if args["r3"] then table.insert(latin, {term = args["r3"], sc = sc_Latn}) end
if #latin > 0 then table.insert(data.inflections, latin) end
if script:getCode() == "Arab" then
if pos_functions[poscat] then
pos_functions[poscat](args, data)
local content = mw.title.new(PAGENAME):getContent()
return require("Module:headword").full_headword(data) .. require("Module:utilities").format_categories(tracking_categories, lang)
pos_functions["နာမဝိသေသန"] = function(args, data)
params = {
[1] = {alias_of = 'head'},
[2] = {alias_of = 'comp_sup'},
[3] = {alias_of = 'abs_sup'},
[4] = {alias_of = 'plural'}, -- See notes.
head = {list = true},
head2= {},
head3= {},
plural = {list = true}, -- Some adjectives only
comp_sup = {list = true},
abs_sup = {list = true},
j= {},
j2= {},
j3= {}
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(args,params)
data.heads = args.head
data.id = args.id
local pattern = args.pattern
args.comp_sup.label = "comp_sup"
args.abs_sup.label = "abs_sup"
args.plural.label = "ကိုန်ဗဟုဝစ်"
args.comp_sup.accel = {form = "ပတုပ်ရံၚ်|သဒ္ဒာ"}
args.abs_sup.accel = {form = "မသ္ဍိုက်ပေၚ်တဴ|သဒ္ဒာ"}
args.plural.accel = {form = "ကိုန်ဗဟုဝစ်"}
if #args.comp_sup > 0 then table.insert(data.inflections, args.comp_sup) end
if #args.abs_sup > 0 then table.insert(data.inflections, args.abs_sup) end
if #args.plural > 0 then table.insert(data.inflections, args.plural) end
pos_functions["နာမ်"] = function(args, data)
params = {
[1] = {alias_of = 'head'},
[2] = {alias_of = 'plural'}, -- Special plural cases only
head = {list = true},
head2= {},
head3= {},
plural = {list = true},
j= {},
j2= {},
j3= {}
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(args,params)
data.heads = args.head
data.id = args.id
local pattern = args.pattern
args.plural.label = "ကိုန်ဗဟုဝစ်"
args.plural.accel = {form = "ကိုန်ဗဟုဝစ်"}
if #args.plural > 0 then table.insert(data.inflections, args.plural) end
return export