မာတိကာသို့ ခုန်သွားရန်


နူ ဝိက်ရှေန်နရဳ
အရံင် ပ္ဍဲဝေါဟာ သေံလဴ · ສີ () (layout · လိက်အခဝ်)
     ຂາວ (khāo)      ເທົາ (thao)      ດຳ (dam)
             ແດງ (dǣng)              ສົ້ມ (som), ເເສດ; ນ້ຳຕານ (nam tān)              ເຫຼືອງ (lư̄ang)
                          ຂຽວ (khiāu)             
                          ຟ້າ ()              ນ້ຳເງິນ (nam ngœn)
             ອິດ (ʼit); ຄາມ (khām)              ມ່ວງ (mūang)              ບົວ (būa)

The following documentation is automatically transcluded by the template {{table doc}}.

This template is a table cross-linking terms in သေံလဴ. Use this template in the "See also" section of all the members of this table, and the title entry as well:






Complete this box with the appropriate language code at the end, ex.: "mnw" for Mon.
Preloaded text: ထာမ်ပလိက်:table:colors new.

All tables with "table:" prefix in သေံလဴ

ကဏ္ဍ သေံလဴ auto-table templates ဟွံဆဵု