Documentation for this module may be created at မဝ်ဂျူ:languages/data/3/o/doc
local u = mw.ustring.char
-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly used diacritics
local GRAVE = u(0x0300)
local ACUTE = u(0x0301)
local CIRC = u(0x0302)
local TILDE = u(0x0303)
local MACRON = u(0x0304)
-- Use these in "scripts" to save a little memory.
local Jpan = {"Jpan"}
local Kore = {"Kore"}
local Latn = {"Latn"}
local MymrLatn = {"Mymr", "Latn"}
local m = {}
m["oaa"] = {
scripts = {"Cyrl", "Latn"},
m["oac"] = {
scripts = {"Latn", "Cyrl"},
m["oav"] = {
"Old Avar",
scripts = {"Geor"},
m["obi"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["obk"] = {
"Southern Bontoc",
otherNames = {"Southern Bontok"},
scripts = Latn,
m["obl"] = {
m["obm"] = {
scripts = {"Phnx"},
ancestors = {"afa-pro", "sem-pro", "sem-wes-pro"},
translit_module = "Phnx-translit",
m["obo"] = {
"Obo Manobo",
otherNames = {"Obo"},
scripts = Latn,
m["obr"] = {
scripts = {"Mymr", "Latn"}, --and also Pallava
m["obt"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["obu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["oca"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["och"] = {
scripts = {"Hani"},
m["oco"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ocu"] = {
otherNames = {"Ocuiltec", "Atzingo Matlatzinca"},
scripts = Latn,
m["oda"] = {
ancestors = {"mfn"},
scripts = Latn,
m["odk"] = {
scripts = {"Arab"},
m["odt"] = {
scripts = {"Latn", "Runr"},
ancestors = {"gmw-pro"},
entry_name = {
from = {"[ĀÂ]", "[āâ]", "[ĒÊ]", "[ēê]", "[ĪÎ]", "[īî]", "[ŌÔ]", "[ōô]", "[ŪÛ]", "[ūû]"},
to = {"A" , "a" , "E" , "e" , "I" , "i" , "O" , "o" , "U" , "u"}} ,
m["odu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ofo"] = {
m["ofs"] = {
scripts = Latn,
entry_name = {
from = {"[ĀÂ]", "[āâ]", "[ĒÊ]", "[ēê]", "[ĪÎ]", "[īî]", "[ŌÔ]", "[ōô]", "[ŪÛ]", "[ūû]"},
to = {"A" , "a" , "E" , "e" , "I" , "i" , "O" , "o" , "U" , "u"}} ,
m["ofu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ogb"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ogc"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["oge"] = {
scripts = {"Geor"},
translit_module = "Geor-translit",
override_translit = true,
entry_name = {
from = {"̂"},
to = {""}} ,
m["ogg"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ogo"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ogu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ohu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["oia"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["oin"] = {
"Inebu One",
m["ojb"] = {
"Northwestern Ojibwa",
ancestors = {"oj"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ojc"] = {
"Central Ojibwa",
ancestors = {"oj"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ojg"] = {
"Eastern Ojibwa",
ancestors = {"oj"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ojp"] = {
scripts = {"Jpan"},
m["ojs"] = {
"အဝ်ဂျေတ်ဝါ ထပှ်",
ancestors = {"aql-pro", "alg-pro", "oj"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ojv"] = {
"Ontong Java",
scripts = Latn,
m["ojw"] = {
"အဝ်ဂျေတ်ဝါ လ္ပာ်ပလိုတ်",
ancestors = {"aql-pro", "alg-pro", "oj"},
scripts = Latn,
m["oka"] = {
otherNames = {"Okanagan Salish", "Okanagan-Colville", "Colville-Okanagan"},
scripts = Latn,
m["okb"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["okd"] = {
otherNames = {"Okordia", "Akita"},
m["oke"] = {
"Okpe (Southwestern Edo)",
otherNames = {"Okpe", "Okpe (Nigeria)", "Southwestern Edo"},
scripts = Latn,
m["okg"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["okh"] = {
"Koresh-e Rostam",
ancestors = {"xme-ttc-cen"},
m["oki"] = {
otherNames = {"Ogiek", "Akiek", "Akie", "Aki", "Mosiro", "Mediak", "Kisankasa"},
scripts = Latn,
m["okj"] = {
otherNames = {"Juwoi", "Juwai", "Junoi"},
m["okk"] = {
"Kwamtim One",
scripts = Latn,
m["okl"] = {
"Old Kentish Sign Language",
m["okm"] = {
scripts = {"Kore"},
ancestors = {"oko"},
translit_module = "okm-translit",
entry_name = {
from = {"[〮〯]"},
to = {""}},
m["okn"] = {
scripts = {"Jpan", "Hani", "Hrkt", "Hira", "Kana"},
ancestors = {"jpx-pro", "jpx-ryu-pro"},
translit_module = "translit-redirect",
otherNames = {"Okino-Erabu", "Okinoerabu"}, -- distinguish Okinawan
m["oko"] = {
scripts = {"Kore"},
m["okr"] = {
m["oks"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["oku"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["okv"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["okx"] = {
"Okpe (Northwestern Edo)",
otherNames = {"Okpe", "Okpe (Nigeria)"},
scripts = Latn,
m["okz"] = {
{"Latinx", "Khmr"}, --and also Pallava
otherNames = {'Old Khmer'}
m["old"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ole"] = {
m["olm"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["olo"] = {
family = "urj-fin",
otherNames = {"Livvi-Karelian", "Livvikovian", "Olonets", "Southern Olonetsian"},
scripts = {"Latn"},
m["olr"] = {
m["olt"] = {
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"ine-pro", "ine-bsl-pro", "bat-pro"},
entry_name = {
from = {"[áãà]", "[éẽè]", "[íĩì]", "[ýỹ]", "ñ", "[óõò]", "[úù]", ACUTE, GRAVE, TILDE},
to = {"a" , "e" , "i", "y" , "n", "o" , "u" }} ,
m["olu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["oma"] = {
otherNames = {"Omaha", "Ponca"},
scripts = Latn,
m["omb"] = {
otherNames = {"East Ambae"},
scripts = Latn,
m["omc"] = {
m["omg"] = {
otherNames = {"Agua", "Cambeba", "Cambeeba", "Kambeba", "Cambela", "Campeba", "Compeva", "Umaua", "Omáua", "Omaua", "Omayali"}, -- last three might actually be names of a different language
scripts = Latn,
m["omi"] = {
family = "csu-mma",
scripts = {"Latn"},
m["omk"] = {
scripts = {"Cyrs"},
translit_module = "omk-translit",
m["oml"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["omn"] = {
scripts = {"Lina"},
otherNames = {"Minoan"},
m["omo"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["omp"] = {
"Old Manipuri",
m["omr"] = {
scripts = {"Deva", "Modi"},
ancestors = {"pmh"},
translit_module = "translit-redirect",
m["omt"] = {
m["omu"] = {
m["omw"] = {
"South Tairora",
scripts = Latn,
m["omx"] = {
otherNames = {"Old Mon"},
scripts = {"Mymr", "Latn"}, --and also Pallava
ancestors = {"mkh-pro"},
translit_module = "mnw-translit",
sort_key = {
from = {"ျ", "ြ", "ွ", "ှ", "ၞ", "ၟ", "ၠ", "ၚ", "ဿ"},
to = {"္ယ", "္ရ", "္ဝ", "္ဟ", "္န", "္မ", "္လ", "င", "သ္သ"}},
m["ona"] = {
otherNames = {"Ona", "Aona", "Selknam", "Shelknam"},
scripts = Latn,
m["onb"] = {
aliases = {"Ong-Be", "Be", "Bê"},
m["one"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ong"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["oni"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["onj"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["onk"] = {
"Kabore One",
scripts = Latn,
m["onn"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ono"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["onp"] = {
m["onr"] = {
"Northern One",
scripts = Latn,
m["ons"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ont"] = {
m["onu"] = {
otherNames = {"Onua"},
scripts = Latn,
m["onw"] = {
scripts = {"Copt"},
m["onx"] = {
"Pidgin Onin",
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"oni"},
m["ood"] = {
otherNames = {"Papago"},
scripts = Latn,
m["oog"] = {
m["oon"] = {
m["oor"] = {
m["oos"] = {
otherNames = {"Old Ossetian", "Alanic", "Sarmatian"},
scripts = {"Grek", "Latn"},
translit_module = "grc-translit",
ancestors = {"os-pro"},
m["opa"] = {
otherNames = {"Opameri", "Ibilo"},
scripts = Latn,
m["opk"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["opm"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["opo"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["opt"] = {
otherNames = {"Heve", "Hegue", "Eudeve", "Teguima"},
scripts = Latn,
m["opy"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ora"] = {
m["ore"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["org"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["orh"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["oro"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["orr"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ort"] = {
"Adivasi Oriya",
scripts = {"Orya"},
ancestors = {"or"},
m["oru"] = {
scripts = {"fa-Arab"},
m["orv"] = {
otherNames = {"Old Russian"},
scripts = {"Cyrs"},
translit_module = "Cyrs-Glag-translit",
entry_name = {
from = {u(0x0484)}, -- kamora
to = {}},
sort_key = {
from = {"оу", "є"},
to = {"у" , "е"}} ,
m["orw"] = {
"Oro Win",
scripts = Latn,
m["orx"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["orz"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["osa"] = {
scripts = {"Latn", "Osge"},
m["osc"] = {
scripts = {"Ital", "Latn"},
translit_module = "Ital-translit",
m["osi"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["osn"] = {
scripts = {"Sund", "Latn", "Kawi"},
ancestors = {"map-pro", "poz-pro", "poz-sus-pro", "poz-msa-pro"},
m["oso"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["osp"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ost"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["osu"] = {
"Southern One",
scripts = Latn,
m["osx"] = {
otherNames = {"Old Low German"},
scripts = Latn,
entry_name = {
from = {"[ĀÂ]", "[āâ]", "[ĒÊ]", "[ēê]", "[ĪÎ]", "[īî]", "[ŌÔ]", "[ōô]", "[ŪÛ]", "[ūû]"},
to = {"A" , "a" , "E" , "e" , "I" , "i" , "O" , "o" , "U" , "u"}} ,
m["ota"] = {
otherNames = {"Ottoman"},
scripts = {"ota-Arab", "Armn"},
ancestors = {"trk-oat"},
m["otd"] = {
"Ot Danum",
otherNames = {"Dohoi"},
scripts = Latn,
m["ote"] = {
"Mezquital Otomi",
scripts = Latn,
m["oti"] = {
m["otk"] = {
otherNames = {"Orkhon Turkic", "Orkhon"},
scripts = {"Orkh"},
translit_module = "Orkh-translit",
m["otl"] = {
"Tilapa Otomi",
scripts = Latn,
m["otm"] = {
"Eastern Highland Otomi",
scripts = Latn,
m["otn"] = {
"Tenango Otomi",
scripts = Latn,
m["otq"] = {
"Querétaro Otomi",
scripts = Latn,
m["otr"] = {
m["ots"] = {
"Estado de México Otomi",
scripts = Latn,
m["ott"] = {
"Temoaya Otomi",
scripts = Latn,
m["otu"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["otw"] = {
ancestors = {"oj"},
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"aql-pro", "alg-pro", "oj"},
m["otx"] = {
"Texcatepec Otomi",
scripts = Latn,
m["oty"] = {
scripts = {"Brah"},
translit_module = "Brah-translit",
m["otz"] = {
"Ixtenco Otomi",
scripts = Latn,
m["oua"] = {
otherNames = {"Ouargli", "Wargli", "Teggargrent"},
m["oub"] = {
m["oue"] = {
m["oui"] = {
otherNames = {"Old Uighur"},
scripts = {"Latn", "Brah", "Mani", "Syrc"},
m["oum"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ovd"] = {
otherNames = {"Övdalian"},
scripts = Latn,
ancestors = {"non"},
m["owi"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["owl"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["oyb"] = {
otherNames = {"Oi", "The"}, -- The is a dialect of Oi. No, seriously.
m["oyd"] = {
m["oym"] = {
otherNames = {"Guayapi", "Oiampi", "Oiampí"},
scripts = Latn,
m["oyy"] = {
scripts = Latn,
m["ozm"] = {
scripts = Latn,
return m