- p
- pa-adj
- pa-interj
- pa-noun
- pa-verb
- pac-noun
- pac-noun/documentation
- pag-IPA
- pag-noun
- pagetype
- pal-noun
- pal-proper noun
- pal-proper noun/documentation
- pam-IPA
- pam-noun
- participle of
- partrhyme
- passive of
- past participle of
- past tense of
- paucal of
- pcc-pron
- pdt-noun
- pedia
- phk-adj
- phk-noun
- phk-noun/documentation
- phk-num
- phk-proper noun
- phk-proper noun/documentation
- phk-verb
- phk-verb/documentation
- phrasebook
- pi-adj
- pi-alt
- pi-alternative form of
- pi-alternative form of/documentation
- pi-alternative form of core
- pi-alternative form of core/documentation
- pi-alternative spelling of
- pi-alternative spelling of/documentation
- pi-alternative spelling of core
- pi-alternative spelling of core/documentation
- pi-combining form of
- pi-combining form of/documentation
- pi-combining form of core
- pi-combining form of core/documentation
- pi-decl-noun
- pi-decl-noun-m
- pi-decl-noun/test1
- pi-form of/fulldoc
- pi-link
- pi-link/documentation
- pi-link core
- pi-link core/documentation
- pi-misspelling of
- pi-misspelling of/documentation
- pi-misspelling of core
- pi-misspelling of core/documentation
- pi-ml
- pi-ml/documentation
- pi-noun
- pi-nr-inflection of
- pi-particle
- pi-pronoun
- pi-sc
- pi-sc-core
- pi-sc-core/documentation
- pi-sc/documentation
- pi-verb
- pi-verb form
- pi-verb form/documentation
- picdic
- picdic/de/Gesicht
- picdic/ksw/Gesicht
- picdic/label
- picdic/shn/Gesicht
- picdicimg
- picdicimg/documentation
- picdiclabel
- ping
- pinyin reading of
- pl-IPA
- pl-adj
- pl-adv
- pl-combined form
- pl-noun
- pl-participle
- pl-participle/documentation
- pl-pronunciation
- pl-pronunciation/documentation
- pl-proper noun
- pl-verb
- place
- planetary symbols
- plural of
- plural of/documentation
- pluralize
- pmh-noun
- policy
- policy-DP
- policy-DP/documentation
- policy-TT/documentation
- policy-VOTE
- policy-VOTE/documentation
- policy-box
- policy-list
- policy-list/documentation
- policy/documentation
- poscatboiler
- pox-IPA
- pox-adj
- pox-noun
- pra-adj
- pra-adv
- pra-head
- pra-head/Brah
- pra-head/Deva
- pra-head/Knda-conv
- pra-head/Knda-lb
- pra-head/lb
- pra-n
- pra-num
- pra-pron
- pra-sc
- pra-verb
- pra-verb/documentation
- prefix
- present participle of
- present tense of
- pro-noun
- projectlink
- projectlink/pedia
- projectlinks
- pronunciation spelling of
- ps-adj
- ps-noun
- ps-noun/documentation
- psm
- psu-noun
- pt-IPA
- pt-adj
- pt-adv
- pt-apocopic-verb
- pt-interj
- pt-noun
- pt-noun/documentation
- pt-obsolete-ôo
- pt-obsolete-ü
- pt-pp
- pt-pre-reform
- pt-pre-reform/internal
- pt-pron
- pt-pron-adj
- pt-proper noun
- pt-verb
- pt-verb-form-of
- pt-verb form of
- pt-verb form of/doWork
- pt-verb form of/pronoun